Consuption of heat of passive houses does not exceed 15 kWh/(m2a). Such houses provide even higher standard of energetic effectiveness than low-energy houses and therefore their impact on the environment is minimal. Such houses usually do not need conventional heating and air-conditioning system and compared with usual construction the saving of energy is 70 to 90 %.
Principles of a passive house
- Such houses do not have conventional heating systems because they are heated by sun radiation and recuperated inner heat.
- The main facade is oriented to south to acquire as much energy from sun radiation as possible.
- The house is equipped with a recuperation unit, i.e. mechanical ventilation equipment with very effective recuperation of heat.
- The house shows excellent thermal-insulation properties of all jacketing structures (peripheral walls, windows, floors and ceilings). The desired heat diffusion coefficient of the peripheral structure does not exceed 0.18 W/(m2K).
- It is air-tight and the peripheral jacket does not transmit almost any heat through.
- The windows are provided with triple glazing with excellent thermal insulation properties and gas filling between the glass boards.
For classification of the building to the passive houses category it is necessary to carry out an assessment acc. to TNI 73 0329 (for family houses) and TNI 73 0330 (for residential houses).